This page will list members who want to be listed, and a brief description. This is entirely voluntary. The community will be based in Melbourne, Australia, although non-residents who frequently visit the city can also be considered for joining.

Hi, I’m Sami, the co-founder of Open Path Society. I have a background in fields such as computer science, strategic foresight, and digital ethics. I’ve long been fascinated by how technology shapes our lives, and I love sparking thought-provoking conversations in both professional and personal contexts.

Professionally, check out more from Transition Level or LinkedIn.

Some kind of physical and social circumstances help a person come to life. Others make it very difficult.

Annie Murphy Paul in “Extended Mind

Hi I’m Jun, a co-founder of Open Path Society. I’m a curious Japanese mind living in Melbourne. I specialise in orchestrating business and technology transformation professionally, while diving deep into sociology and psychology on a personal level. I believe in the power of collective thinking and raising awareness to catalyse positive changes in today’s world.

The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.

Albert Einstein

Hi, I’m Lucia! Enthusiastic about product innovation, I excel at launching and managing products that boost market share and delight customers. I love blending digital transformation with cutting-edge tech to enhance experiences. Based in Melbourne and a coffee aficionado, I thrive on connecting people, processes, and technology. I believe in the magic of linking ideas to create remarkable products that positively impact society and people’s lives.

If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants

Albert Einstein