We are committed to creating a safe, inclusive space where every voice can be heard, every idea can be explored, and every boundary can be challenged. We believe we can do this by adhering to these guidelines – and if you feel like you cannot do this, then by all means, don’t join us.

“Thought is most reasoned, and therefore most free, when we think aloud with others. The right to freedom of thought needs to promote and protect critical conversations between citizens.”

Simon McCarthy-Jones in Freethinking

1. Open Minds: We embrace the unknown and seek to understand the world and ourselves with an open mind. We value diverse perspectives and believe that through respectful dialogue, we can expand our horizons.

2. Curious Hearts: We are driven by a relentless curiosity. We believe that asking questions, getting to first principles, exploring new ideas, and seeking out new experiences are essential to personal and collective growth.

3. Emotional Intelligence: We recognise that emotions are a vital part of the human experience and contain information we often dismiss. We believe that emotional exploration and intelligence are as important as intellectual pursuits, and we welcome the interplay between heart and mind.

4. Fact-Driven Inquiry: Where facts are to be found, we ground our discussions and explorations in evidence and reason. We strive to differentiate between opinion and fact, and we challenge ourselves to seek out the truth.

5. Dismantling Boundaries and Constraints: We are unafraid to question the status quo and challenge societal norms. We believe that by dismantling non-real boundaries and constraints, we can create new paths for progress and understanding.

6. Diversity In All Its Forms: We seek to create a diverse group in every sense of the word, including gender, neurodiversity, cultural diversity, socio-economic background, and more. We do not discriminate against any individual based on their race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, or any other characteristic. We believe that our differences make us stronger and that everyone should have an equal opportunity to participate and contribute.

7. Limited Off Limits: We acknowledge some things are off limits even for freethinkers. We will not tolerate ad hominem attacks; we will not tolerate prejudice or using honesty as an excuse for being cruel; we take a dim view of social justice fundamentalism, or any other kind of fundamentalism for that matter; we will not, obviously, tolerate violence or hate crimes.

8. In-Person and Committed to Privacy: We prioritize face-to-face interactions, believing they offer authenticity and a depth of connection that surpasses our increasingly digital lives. We are steadfast in our commitment to privacy. We will operate under Chatham House Rules, ensuring that no recordings are made or shared of any gatherings. This approach allows us to create a safe space where incomplete thoughts can be vocalized and collectively improved upon without fear of being taken out of context. Our members’ trust and the integrity of their personal experiences are paramount.

9. Commitment to Growth: We are committed to continuous growth; not economic growth, but of societal and personal growth. We believe more aspects of the society and our lives are mutable than most people currently believe; we encourage both personal growth and for our societies to mature. We must not only question, but we must keep questioning.

10. No personal judgement: We value and embrace the diversity of views within our community and embrace each individual’s unique experiences without judgement. Members must respect ideas different from their own, and practice constructive disagreement, fostering a culture of understanding and constructive dialogue.

“Don’t shut up and think, speak up and think”

Simon McCarthy-Jones in Freethinking